If you have ever listened to my Facebook Live or podcast you have heard me state the importance of self-care. I always use the analogy of what flight attendants say . . . if the cabin pressure changes and the oxygen masks drop down place the mask over your face first and then assist others. Sometimes in our quest to help others, we block our own progress. We can be our own worst enemies.
Friends, there is no way we can help others if we are not taking care of ourselves.
There is nothing like loving yourself! It's love towards yourself that truly changes and breaks the cycles of low-self esteem and self-degradation amongst our younger girls. I believe that our own personal journeys of self-love can impact the norm of what being a woman is for those who are looking up to us! Sisters, it's time we start loving ourselves, and here are 7 steps to start with!
7 Steps of Your Self-Love Journey
Become mindful.
Act on what you need rather than what you want.
Practice good self-care.
Set boundaries.
Protect yourself.
Forgive yourself.
Live intentionally.
As a certified life coach, I can help you to zero in on negative patterns that could be standing in the way of your journey. Additionally, I can help you bridge the gap between your current circumstances and the life you would like to lead. By enlisting my life coaching services, you can expect outcomes that could result in:
• Better work/life balance
• Elimination of long-held fears and anxieties
• Enhanced creativity
• Improved communication skills
• Stronger relationships with family and friends
There is no way we can help others if we are not taking care of ourselves. Practice self-love, do not feel guilty about it, and hire me as your life coach! Do something that is beneficial to you.
Book your first Free Discovery Call with me today and let’s talk about how I can best assist you in developing a strategic plan to achieve your personal and/or career goals. I’m living on purpose and what you to live in it too!